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Sharing Files with Samba

Samba is an implementation of the SMB protocol is the protocol used by the MS operating systems like MS Windows to download the file and printer sharing.�With SMB you can access files and printers shared by a Windows computer or to share files & printers on your Linux computer.

Setting the samba is a vast topic, so this article only discusses how to create a samba server can be recognized by another computer (Windows 9x) and how to create new share.

To further facilitate the setting using linuxconf namely that there are a variety of settings under Config -> Networking -> Server Tasks -> Samba file server.

Configuration Files
The configuration file for samba is / etc / smb.conf a format like this format file is:

keyword = value
Other keywords = Other values
; Comments
# Also the type of comment
With the main block that is global to the server and the default settings for the share, homes for default for shared printers for each user and printer sharing settings.�Another block is a setting to share.�For more details about the smb.conf can be found in man smb.conf and samba documentation (/ usr/doc/samba- * /).

Server Settings
There are several things to keep you set for your server could be identified in Microsoft Network Neighbourhood network.�Default settings are in dialogue under Config -> Networking -> Server Tasks -> Samba file server.

What needs to be set is:

Fill in the name of the workgroup that match your network

Netbios name
Fill with the default server name same as the hostname

Encrypted password required
Check if your Windows 9x client

Authentification mode
You can choose to share or user but I choose to share because it is more flexible as you can use smbuser and could make a share with no password.

To access the export share in the samba user names in Windows should be the same as the username on linux but the one thing that the password is not the same with linux passwords.�To set the root password first have to run smbpasswd-a username and password and then enter the user can change their password by running smbpasswd.�If the root password again bored author can also ngejalanin smbpasswd-an username so that user should coupled with a blank password.

If you try to access an existing Linux computer from Network Neighborhood sambanya you can see there share the same name with the name of the user.�This is one feature that is automatic samba to share users home directory with the name as the name of the user should share.

User aliasing with / etc / smbusers
You can create a user alias by adding a user name and alias to your / etc / smbusers with the format:

user_unix = alias1 alias2 alias3

Sample / etc / smbusers:

�Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = admin administrator
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
Zakaria = zk za
indra_t = en
herman = hy

Please note if you access the samba server with a user who is an alias, although the share of home directory does not appear you can access it by typing / / linux / user in the explorer box to linux samba server and user name is user.

Creating a New Share
To create a new share we use the Disk dialog Shares under Config -> Networking -> Server Tasks -> Samba file server.�In this dialogue we can see all the existing share and we can edit or delete the existing share by pressing Enter on the desired share.To add a share and select the Add Share dialog will exit setup.

To create a share you have to fill the Share name with the desired share name, directory to export to the directory you want to share and do not forget mencawang This checkbox is enabled and Browsable share for share, you can see in Network Neighborhood.In addition, it helps fill the Comment / description with a description of the share.

If you only fill your share over seemingly in list samba share but can not be accessed by anyone.�There are two ways to create a share can be accessed.�First share it public so anyone can access without requiring a password is useful for example for sharing MP3s.�Another way is to share that requires a username and password.

To make a public share enough with mencawang Public Access checkbox.�The default is a read-only access for a user can add, delete or modify files you must mencawang checkbox writable.

Meanwhile, to make the share that require a username & password you just entered the list of users who are allowed access to the Valid users.�User list containing the names of users who are restricted by a comma.�It also can contain the name of the group if it starts with @ example @ finance.�As well as the public share you have to mencawang writable so the user can add, delete and modify files in those shares.

invalid users, write lists, read only list


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